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Palm and Face Reading Specialist in India

Astrologer MK Sharma

Palm reading and face reading are two different terms which is a vital service provided by our Astrologer MK Sharma or Guru Ji or Aghori Baba Ji. Palm reading is also known as palmistry in which the astrologer explains about the lines of the hand. There are two more other names of palm reading. They are chiromancy, or chirology. People have a lot of curiosity to know about the different lines like life line, head line, heart line , sun line , mercury line, fate line and Girdle of Venus. Fate line is also known as money line. Heart line is also known as the love line. Many people also want to know about the marriage line and children line.

Millions of people from different countries have shown their lines to our guru Ji. If anybody wants to know about his or her lines, then consult or call or chat with Gold Medalist Astrologer MK Sharma Ji. He is number one palm reading specialist in India. Call to +91-7696521915 or mail at to know about your palm.

How to send a photo of your palm?

·         Pick up your smart phone and on the camera and keep your hand below and capture the photo of your both hands and send me at my WhatsApp number. Remember the photo should be clear.

·         You can also send me an email also.

Face Reading specialist in India

It means explaining about any person’s personality in detail with the help of his or her face. Many Indians from different countries consulted our astrologer for face reading services. He is the number one face reading specialist in India.

Foot Reading specialist in India

Foot reading explains your entire health. It has been practiced for many decades. In India and China, foot reading is very common. Astrologer MK Sharma has knowledge about foot reading also.  He can explain to you in detail about palm, face and foot reading theoretical and practical also.

Many Indians who are working or settled in the USA, UK, UAE, Australia, Canada, New Zealand,  Singapore, Malaysia, Italy and from India have consulted our Astrologer for palm, face and foot reading in detail. 

Astrology is one of the oldest and most accurate tools known to mankind.

Chris Flisher

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